
2023年11月1日—ARPlan3DisameasurementappspeciallydesignedforAndroiddevicesthatusesaugmentedrealityandLiDARscannertechnologytoprovide ...,MeasureAnything.Anywhere.Thebesttapemeasureistheoneyouhavewithyou.Over15differenttoolsmeansyou'llalwaysbeprepared.,這是最好的AR措施!這是Android應用程序中的最高精度!您可以使用智能手機的相機來測量所有事物的長度!你不想突然測量產品的長度嗎?但是總是擔任這個專業...

5 Of The Best Measurement Apps On Android

2023年11月1日 — AR Plan 3D is a measurement app specially designed for Android devices that uses augmented reality and LiDAR scanner technology to provide ...


Measure Anything. Anywhere. The best tape measure is the one you have with you. Over 15 different tools means you'll always be prepared.

AR Measure [AR度量]

這是最好的AR措施! 這是Android應用程序中的最高精度! 您可以使用智能手機的相機來測量所有事物的長度! 你不想突然測量產品的長度嗎?但是總是擔任這個專業的人很少 ...

AR Measure 安卓APK下載

2024年2月16日 — 在安卓設備上免費下載AR Measure (1.8.0) APK。這是最好的AR措施! 這是Android應用程序中的最高準確度。

AR Measure安卓版應用APK下載

AR Measure 1.8.0安卓版應用最新下載。這是最好的AR措施! 這是Android應用程序中的最高準確度。

AR Ruler App

1) AR Ruler app – allows to tape measure linear sizes in cm, m (meter), mm, inches, feet, yard. 2) Distance meter – allows to tape measure distance from device ...

AR Ruler for Android

AR Ruler lets you measure vertically as well as horizontally. It also recognizes circles, which means you can measure the diameter of, for example, a table.

Augmented Reality Measuring App Development Guide

2024年4月18日 — Read how to build a distance measuring or room scanning app powered with LiDAR, ToF, AR or AI with a measurement accuracy of 99.7%.

Best "measure" app for Android

2022年12月25日 — Its an old Google App that basically does the same thing. However they stopped supporting it and it can't be found on the Playstore anymore.

Google 突襲下架自家開發的AR 測量軟體「Measure」

2021年6月10日 — Google 早在2016 年利用AR 擴增實境技術開發,推出「Measure」測量app,讓Android 使用者打開手機相機就能測量尺寸;但近日Google 在毫無預警之下關閉這款 ...